Loading a List from a file in Spring Application Context

Have you ever wanted to load a List in your application context from a file? Perhaps you want to define a variable number of settings to be injected in, or in my case I wanted to pull in the Hibernate mapping files into an AnnotationSessionFactoryBean. Spring doesn't appear to have a way to do this out of the box, so here is how I have done it.

So you want to load a list of strings defined in a file called names.txt such as:
Your application context would look something like:

<bean id="resourceList" class="com.fizzpod.spring.ResourceListFactoryBean">
<property name="targetListClass">
<property name="locations">
The ResourceListFactoryBean is (obviously) a factory bean for creating a list from a Spring resource. Now this uses some of Springs magic to turn the classpath:names.txt into a spring Resource object. To take advantage of the normal ListFactoryBean by extending it so that you can define a list using the normal ListFactoryBean (why you would want to do that rather than using the util:list tag). Anyway the class looks like this:

* Creates a List of values from the specified resources.
public class ResourceListFactoryBean extends ListFactoryBean {

   * The List implementation class to create
 private Class targetListClass = null;
   * The resources to create the list from
 private Resource[] locations = null;

   * Flag for whether the source list is set
 private boolean sourceListSet = false;
  * Set the source List, just used to detect whether
   * a sourceList is set
   * @param sourceList the source list to create the list from.
 public void setSourceList(List sourceList) {
  sourceListSet = true;
   * To allow the creation of the list class
   * @param targetListClass the class of the list to instantiate
 public void setTargetListClass(Class targetListClass) {
  this.targetListClass = targetListClass;

  * Set a location of the list file to load.
   * @param location the resource to load the settings f
 public void setLocation(Resource location) {
  this.locations  = new Resource[] {location};

  * Set locations of list files to be loaded.
   * @param locations the locations of the resources
 public void setLocations(Resource[] locations) {
  this.locations = locations;
   * Create a list from the resources, delegating the
   * super class if any source list has been set.
   * @return the list instantiated from the context definition
 protected List createInstance() {
  List result = null;
  if(this.sourceListSet) {
   result = super.createInstance();
  if(this.locations != null) {
   List resourceList = null;
   if(result == null) {
    result = instantiateListClass();
   Class valueType = null;
   for(Resource resource: locations) {
    List contents = this.resolveList(resource);
    if (this.targetListClass != null) {
     valueType = GenericCollectionTypeResolver.getCollectionType(this.targetListClass);
    if (valueType != null) {
     TypeConverter converter = getBeanTypeConverter();
     for (Object elem : contents) {
      result.add(converter.convertIfNecessary(elem, valueType));
    } else {
  if(result == null) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must set either the sourceList, locations or location parameters");
  }  return result;

   * Instantiates the list class
   * @return the list class as defined by the context
 private List instantiateListClass() {
  List result;
  if (this.targetListClass != null) {
   result = (List) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(this.targetListClass);
  } else {
   result = new ArrayList();
  return result;

   * Loads the resource into a list of strings
   * @return the list of strings loaded from the resource
 private List resolveList(Resource resource) {
  InputStream inStream = null;
  List lines = null;
  try {
   inStream = resource.getInputStream();
   lines = IOUtils.readLines(inStream);
  } catch (IOException e) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not read resource " + resource.getDescription(), e);
  } finally {
  return lines;


Note that the above code relies on the apache commons io to parse and load the resource into a list. Also note that the some of the ListFactoryBean methods are overriden so that we can detect if the user is just defining a normal list. Why, well like I said above if you just want a list use the util:list tag, but by doing this in the above code it allows for a mixed list of items from a resource and sources defined in the xml to be merged together. The following example shows that and as a bonus how to define a single resource for example:

<bean id="resourceList" class="com.fizzpod.ResourceListFactoryBean">
   <property name="targetListClass">
   <property name="sourceList">
   <property name="locations" value="classpath:names.txt"></property>

And that's about all. Hope this is of help to someone.


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