Maven Repository on Cloudflare R2 with Gradle

Here's a challenge with the public availability of the R2 Cloudflare blob storage is it possible to use it as a Maven repository with Gradle as the build system? The short answer is yes! The longer answer is that it is, but it is a bit disappointing with Gradle, I'll explain why it's disappointing later, but first (and probably the only bit you will read) is how. Step 1: R2 storage I'm assuming you have a Cloudflare account and have signed up for the R2 storage option. Navigate to the R2 Storage option on the R2 page Click 'Create bucket' Give the bucket a name, for the purpose of this tutorial I'm calling the bucket ' tutorial-r2-maven-bucket ' Click create and you should have your new bucket all ready for use Make note of the URL for the bucket, you'll need this later Step 2: S3 Auth token The secret sauce with using R2 as a maven repository is to treat it as an S3 bucket and use it's S3 compatible API. To do this you next need an S3 Auth...